The cool breeze of September is what I longed for and yap, it is finally here. I already smell the dry leaves falling from the tree and though I do not like the mess of leaves at the front yard, I appreciate the thought that Halloween is coming and soon, Thanksgiving and Christmas! Aren't these holidays exciting?

Right now, I am browsing the web for crafts and decorating ideas for Halloween. I already have in mind what to decorate at the front and it will be a tedious job. I will try to re-create everything from scratch and it is going to be a witch with a broom holding a cellphone. The witch will look like having an accident, crashing in one of the pillars at the front, sort of "don't text while flying" theme LOL. What do you think? Next post, I will show you the sample photo of that. I like wood crafts as well so; I found this company that has wooden craft supplies and I love their collections. Now, if you are like me and anxious for Halloween and Christmas Celebration, you should check it out too. If you are crafty, I am sure that you will find something interesting.
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