Last October, we took a 4 day-cruise to Bahamas thru Norwegian Cruise Line. We had fun times on board and inland when we explore the Freeport as well as Nassau. Norwegian Sky takes pride in offering their guest the Freestyle Cruising where the freedom on what to do and on what to see will depend on the choices of the guests. I enjoyed the Freestyle Dining the most because I can eat where and when I want.
For breakfast, we love to dine in early in the Garden Cafe' and Great Outdoor which is a buffet style dining. Most of the servers are Asian and majority is Filipino. If you like a fine dining, you can go to the Crossings and the Palace Main Dining Room. You don't need to give your servers any tip because all guests are required to pay it per day. Hubby and I still give tips to the servers especially when they did a good job.
They don't require formal attire in the fine dining areas but, when we have dinners, most of us wore formal dresses. During breakfast and lunch, we wore casuals. Both Crossings and Palace Main Dining Rooms have cozy and elegant ambiance especially when dinners are served. You are paying for it so; you might as well enjoy the fine dining experience.
The picture above is the poolside area on the 11th deck. The stairs will lead down to the Great Outdoor and Garden Cafe'. We just love it here for breakfast and we love to occupy the seats nearby the full glass window. It's just awesome to see the calm seas while having breakfast.
I like the free style dining because I can sit to any table and in any dining area that I want in any time. In the other cruise lines, you have no freedom like that. You are stuck to the selected time and you are stuck to the same people who join with you on the table.
Anyway, the food in Norwegian Sky is really delicious. Oh, that's the breakfast of my hubby just a pancake with butter and coffee with cream. One more thing, in Freestyle dining, you have the freedom to have your food delivered in your room free of charge. How nice and convenient is that right?

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