Food chains for me are not bad! As long as you don't eat too much, you know what I mean? Without these kind of businesses, Americans will go hungry! It might be exaggerating but, there is truth to it! A typical American that I know works so hard! Their minds are "WORK!WORK!WORK!" They are always on the GO! Preparing a meal is hard that is why, their breakfast usually consist of "meds", eggs, muffins, banana, breakfast bars, coffee, pancakes, cheerios .... endless easy to prepare breakfast and OFF TO WORK!

Asians loves to eat a hearty breakfast though! We need to have a filling breakfast to have that energy to tackle the day! Our breakfast is equivalent to American dinner. As for me, I need rice for the entire meals for the day. Of course, this observation is not true in most cases.

Food chains in the USA is everywhere from Mc Donalds, KFC, Long John's Silver and more. Here, everyone is busy so, this kind of business SAVES the day for every family!

Some nutritionist discourage their clients in relying solely to food chains. Food here has tremendous amount in fats and unwanted nutrients that may harm our body if we patronize regularly, so they claimed. In reality, some food chains are trying to offer more healthy food and they educate their customers by showing the calorie content of the food before you order. And if you are health conscious, you can always ask and personalized what you order.
In general, I love to eat in FOOD CHAINS especially if I am in a hurry to get back to my workplace. Everything is bad if we patronize too much but, it won't hurt if I crave once in awhile. So, don't deprive yourself! Check out the food of these food chains because there is a need to satisfy our cravings sometimes. After all, their food is truly delicious! And I stay FIT!